Terra Hill Condominium for Sale
Terra Hill is a proposed residential flat development comprising 9 Blocks of 5-Storey building (total: 270 units) with Attic,
1 Level of basement carpark, swimming pool and communal facilities on LOT 02062L MK03 at Yew Siang Road (Queenstown Planning Area).
Developer: Hoi Hup and Sunway Development
No. Of Units: 270 Units
Tenure: Freehold
District: 05
Vacant Possession: 9th January 2028
Architect: P & T Consultants Pte Ltd
Carpark: 270 Car Lots And 4 Accessible Lots
Units Available:
Level 1
Sqft/Sqm:1076/100 $2,756,000 $2,561(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,812,000 $2,561(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,918,000 $2,658(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,783,000 $2,560(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1076/100 $2,698,000 $2,507(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,918,000 $2,658(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:807/75 $2,190,000 $2,714(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:807/75 $2,110,000 $2,615(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,918,000 $2,658(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:969/90 $2,391,000 $2,467(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:969/90 $2,391,000 $2,467(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,971,000 $2,706(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1335/124 $3,504,000 $2,625(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:969/90 $2,391,000 $2,467(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1313/122 $3,542,000 $2,698(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1313/122 $3,479,000 $2,650(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:904/84 $2,381,000 $2,634(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,889,000 $2,658(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,783,000 $2,560(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:807/75 $2,110,000 $2,615(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1076/10z $2,861,000 $2,659(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,916,000 $2,683(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,942,000 $2,707(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:904/84 $2,518,000 $2,785(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:807/75 $2,230,000 $2,763(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1076/100 $2,913,000 $2,707(PSF)
Level 2
Sqft/Sqm:678/63 $1,869,000 $2,757(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1076/100 $2,718,000 $2,526(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:807/75 $2,167,000 $2,685(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:904/84 $2,351,000 $2,601(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,880,000 $2,623(PSF
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,745,000 $2,525(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1076/100 $2,660,000 $2,472(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,880,000 $2,623(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:807/75 $2,167,000 $2,685(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,880,000 $2,623(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:969/90 $2,361,000 $2,437(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:969/90 $2,361,000 $2,437(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1335/125 $3,459,000 $2,591(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:969/90 $2,361,000 $2,437(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1302/121 $3,468,000 $2,664(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1313/122 $3,497,000 $2,663(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1313/122 $3,434,000 $2,615(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,851,000 $2,623(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,745,000 $2,525(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:904/84 $2,351,000 $2,601(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:807/75 $2,167,000 $2,685(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1076/100 $2,875,000 $2,672(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,878,000 $2,648(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:904/84 $2,487,000 $2,751(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,904,000 $2,672(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,904,000 $2,672(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1076/100 $2,875,000 $2,672(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1313/122 $3,465,000 $2,639(PSF)
Level 3
Sqft/Sqm:678/63 $1,899,000 $2,801(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,824,000 $2,572(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,930,000 $2,668(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,930,000 $2,668(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,930,000 $2,668(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1335/124 $3,519,000 $2,636(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:969/90 $2,401,000 $2,478(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:807/75 $2,257,000 $2,797(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1313/122 $3,557,000 $2,709(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1313/122 $3,494,000 $2,661(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,901,000 $2,669(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:807/75 $2,197,000 $2,722(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:904/84 $2,528,000 $2,796(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,954,000 $2,718(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:904/84 $2,528,000 $2,796(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1076/100 $2,925,000 $2,718(PSF)
Level 4
Sqft/Sqm:1076/100 $2,807,000 $2,609(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,862,000 $2,607(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,968,000 $2,703(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,834,000 $2,607(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1076/100 $2,807,000 $2,609(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,968,000 $2,703(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:807/75 $2,140,000 $2,652(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1098/102 $2,968,000 $2,703(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1335/124 $3,564,000 $2,670(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:969/90 $2,431,000 $2,509(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:807/75 $2,280,000 $2,825(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:904/84 $2,558,000 $2,830(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1313/122 $3,539,000 $2,695(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,939,000 $2,704(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1076/100 $2,963,000 $2,754(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,966,000 $2,729(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,993,000 $2,753(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1087/101 $2,993,000 $2,753(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:904/84 $2,558,000 $2,830(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1076/100 $2,963,000 $2,754(PSF)
Level 5
Sqft/Sqm:1830/170 $4,380,000 $2,393(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1862/173 $4,463,000 $2,397(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1249/116 $2,940,000 $2,354(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1862/173 $4,630,000 $2,487(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1851/172 $4,435,000 $2,396(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:840/78 $2,036,000 $2,424(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:840/78 $2,036,000 $2,424(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1830/170 $4,380,000 $2,393(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1862/173 $4,630,000 $2,487(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1249/116 $2,940,000 $2,354(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1249/116 $2,834,000 $2,269(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1862/173 $4,630,000 $2,487(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1539/143 $3,668,000 $2,383(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:840/78 $1,962,000 $2,336(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1539/143 $3,531,000 $2,294(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1862/173 $4,714,000 $2,532(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1335/124 $3,143,000 $2,354(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1249/116 $2,994,000 $2,397(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:2164/201 $5,483,000 $2,534(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1539/143 $3,531,000 $2,294(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1249/116 $2,967,000 $2,376(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1851/172 $4,643,000 $2,508(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:2120/197 $5,515,000 $2,601(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1249/116 $3,021,000 $2,419(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1335/124 $3,143,000 $2,354(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:2142/199 $5,573,000 $2,602(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:2142/199 $5,476,000 $2,556(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1335/124 $3,087,000 $2,312(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1335/124 $2,975,000 $2,228(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1851/172 $4,602,000 $2,486(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1851/172 $4,435,000 $2,396(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1335/124 $2,975,000 $2,228(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1249/116 $2,940,000 $2,354(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1830/170 $4,627,000 $2,528(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1851/172 $4,643,000 $2,508(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1249/116 $2,834,000 $2,269(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1335/124 $3,143,000 $2,354(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1851/172 $4,685,000 $2,531(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1851/172 $4,685,000 $2,531(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1335/124 $3,143,000 $2,354(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1249/116 $2,994,000 $2,397(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1830/170 $4,627,000 $2,528(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:2142/199 $5,524,000 $2,579(PSF)
Sqft/Sqm:1249/116 $2,994,000 $2,397(PSF)
Call / Whatsapp Vincent: 93799993
About Terra Hill
Across & Above The Terrain You’ll Always See It All
A Freehold Hillside Home Amidst Great Tranquility Next To The Greater Southern Waterfront
A Horizon Of Transformation Hyper-change
Where Game-Changing Districts Meet Is Where You’ll Call Home
Pasir Panjang Power District
Power Up Pasir Panjang Into A Lifestyle Hub
With the Pasir Panjang Power district having significant potential for
transformation into a commercial and recreational waterfront precinct, the Pasir Panjang Power Stations will be redeveloped into vibrant, mixed-use developments.
Keppel Club Redevelopment
A Coastal Enclave To Live, Work & Play
Once a country club, next home by the coast.
The former Keppel Club site will be transformed into a unique residential estate with 9,000 waterfront homes planned, injecting a new way of life into our urban city.
Labrador Nature Park Network
Over 200 Hectares Of Sprawling Green
Expect bigger, better natural spaces for fresh air and adventure.
A green network comprising of Labrador Nature Reserve, 6 existing green sites, and 4 new parks – at Alexandra, Berlayer Creek, Keppel Club and King’s Dock – will be newly formed.
Sentosa-Brani Masterplan
A One-Stop Tourism & Leisure Island Destination
The joint rejuvenation of beloved Sentosa and neighbouring Brani will see both islands developed into 5 distinct zones:
Vibrant Cluster, Island Heart, Waterfront, Ridgeline, and Beachfront, making island getaways bigger, better and bolder.
Witness A Greater Future Unfold Across The Terrain
It sits right next to the Greater Southern Waterfront.
Spanning from Pasir Panjang to Marina East, the coastal transformation will set forth new standards of urban life, work and play –
spurring crucial growth across the residential, recreational and commerce sectors.
A Neighborhood Brimming With Prospects & Possibilities
Situated just minutes from key tech, commerce and educational enclaves,
the district of Terra Hill is laden with names big and small.
From global giants, and local enterprises, to renowned schools – the world is truly yours for the picking.
A District Lined With National And Global Powerhouses. A Multitude Of Choice Schools Of Excellence.
Major Business Platers Spread Throughout The District. Gateways To Great Opportunities And A Greater Horizon
Around Your Hillside Home, Adventure & Amenities Await
Taking a breather is easy, with direct side gate access to Pepys Road that leads you to Kent Ridge Park.
You’re also only a 350m walk from Pasir Panjang MRT and the Circle Line train network, bringing you seamlessly to Marina Bay upon its completion in 2026.
A Home Seamlessly Connected To All You Could Need.
Tranquility Is All Abound, From Vast Green To The Ocean Blue. An Array Of Conveniences, Comforts And Cultural Sights
A Hideaway For The Senses
A Sanctuary In the Midst of Momentum
Head up Yew Siang Road and find a hillside abode inspired from its surrounding Kent Ridge Park.
An ode to what nature evokes in us, respite is artfully balanced with adventure and amazement.
Your restful entrance home is encapsulated through lush fauna framing the Arrival Plaza,
where a feature tree stands tall against a tiered Water Courard of cascading water.
Across A Tiered Terrain, A Hillside Home Rises
A tiered, elevated landscape of various levels spans across the terrain – each with distinct zones, yet cohesive and balanced.
At the base, The Valley signifies your arrival home with airs of relaxation.
Traverse the terrain with idle or lively leisure across The Sanctuary, The Alcove, and The Enclave –
ending with The Hillside at the top, looking out across the grounds.
Curated Zones Of Facilities To Indulge & Immerse In
From The Arrival, head to The Valley for much-needed contemplation at the Chill-Out Deck.
In The Sanctuary, soak up in the Hot Tub or Jacuzzi Seats overlooking plush planting, or adventure across The Alcove and The Enclave.
Finally, take in the full terrain from elevated decks in The Hillside, as you gather above in the Family BBQ Pavilion.
Gather, Get Fit, Or Just Have A Good Time
A gleaming, two-storey glass house of revelry awaits you in The Enclave.
It is a space dedicated for good times.
On the ground floor, kick back and enjoy private gatherings in the Club Room or Screening Room.
Above, get into an invigorating workout with leading Techno Gym equipment in the Fitness Studio, or simply chill in the Terra Hub social space.
A Timeless Home To See It All
Rising To Green Standards
A Conscientious Adherence To Sustainability
Take pride in a home that strives to meet the environmental standards of our world today.
Numerous comforts and provisions give you everyday ease of mind, letting you live freely in a luxury home of effortless, efficient green living.
Trusty EV charging stations can be found in the car park, allowing EV and hybrid car owners true ease and reliability in the pursuit of sustainable living.
Solar panels offset energy consumption in common areas,
while our provided appliances all have the highest rating in the class under The Energy Label by The National Environment Agency (NEA).
To improve thermal comfort levels, all units will be provided with ceiling fans
in the living or bedroom areas, reducing the consumption of air-conditioning.
Air conditioners are rated 5-ticks – the highest tier of energy and cost efficiency under the mandatory National Environment Agency (NEA) energy rating system.
E-waste bins will be provided alongside the usual recycling collections.
Collaboration with E-waste vendors will also facilitate the recycling of electrical appliances.
Selected finishes will be both Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) rated,
and low Volatility Organic Compound (VOC) emission rated, ensuring your daily health and well-being.
Excellent Living With Ease
Convenience & Comfort Assured With Smart Features
Sustainable everyday living is made seamless with an array of smart home features.
Complete control is at your fingertips, with a smart camera doorbell, digital main door lockset, and smart air conditioner controls making comfort and security truly easy.
Your Days Made Decadent
Reputed Brands For Quality Ways Of Life
Expect a curated line-up of brilliant brands for homes in our Signature Collection.
Appliances, fiings and wares across the kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom guarantee daily routines made ever more indulgent.
The Signature Collection
A Home Unbound By Time Is A Space That’s Truly Your Own
Within the hubbub of modern living, retreat into 2-5 bedroom apartment of calm and comfort at Terra Hill.
Our Signature Collection makes a home of timeless, understated luxury, with refined finishes and fittings in rooms flowing with natural light and air.
Touches Of Flair & Finesse Make A World Of Space
Thoughtful integrations amplify a space with conscientious planning and efficient design, creating a home of splendour.
Selected units come with a spacious store room, while all master bedrooms come with full-height wardrobes and side panel dressers ensuring maximum storage.
All homes are equipped with quality wares from reputed brands such as De Dietrich, Gessi, Laufen, and Samsung.
The Prestige Collection
A World Of refined Affluence Privy Only To Your Indulgence
Savor luxury made extraordinary in a limited selection of 4–5 bedroom residences.
In our Prestige Collection, come home to an exceptional expanse and exclusive through a private lift lobby,
into thoughtfully created apartments of marble finishes and only the finest fittings.
Lounge & Luxuriate In Everyday Made Exquisite
Raise the bar for everyday living with subtle touches of opulence making your days and nights that much more luxurious.
Every unit has been crafted to complement distinctive tastes and cater to your every need.
From V-Zug and Franke kitchenware to Laufen and Gessi bathware, expect a home of distinguished, contemporary elegance.
Rise Above Tides, Trends & Time
Within a city of rapid change, true luxury is a freehold home of your own.
Along with glimpses of the sea in selected units, witness life’s fullest potential from above the terrain in your Prestige Collection residence.
A Cut Above The Rest
Esteemed Extravagance For An Elevated Way Of Life
Our Prestige Collection has been carefully crafted for added luxury.
Find large countertops with luxe fitted glass cabinets in the dry kitchen, laid with marble, touches of warm walnut, and brushed black metal to form a chic palette.
Location Map
Terra Hill Street View
Call / Whatsapp Vincent: 93799993
Terra Hill Brochure
Terra Hill Site Plan
R5 lift core, chutes & access 20230214 coloured